Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2008
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Kathy Morgan (KM), Lisa Dickey (LD), Lauren McMullen (LM),
Tardy: Olga Arnold (OA- 7:46pm) Billie Luker (BL-7:27pm),
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),
(RM) 7:06pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin.
Audience of Citizens:
Acceptance of meeting minutes from 04/14/08 NRYFL meeting, 04/14/08 Committee meeting, 05/19/08, 06/25/08, 08/04/08 workshop, 09/03/08
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the NRYFL meeting on April 14, 2008 with changes that were discussed.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1*
Motion passed (*LD abstained not at 04/14/08 meeting)
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the Committee meeting on April 14, 2008 with changes that were discussed.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1*
Motion passed (*LD abstained not at 04/14/08 meeting)
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the Committee meeting on May 19, 2008
No discussion was had.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 4 Opposed: 1* Abstained: 1**
Motion passed (*KM did not read minutes yet. **LD abstained not at 05/19/08 meeting)
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the Committee meeting on June 25, 2008
No discussion was had.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 2*
Motion passed (*KM & LD abstained not at 06/25/08 meeting)
(Olga Arnold came into meeting at 7:46pm)
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the Committee workshop meeting on August 4, 2008 with changes made.
Page 2- Minutes (cont’d)
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 3*
Motion passed (*KM, LD & LM abstained not at 08/04/08 meeting)
(LD) Lisa Dickey made a motion to accept the minutes from the Committee meeting on September 3, 2008
No discussion was had
(KM) Kathy Morgan seconds the motion
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1*
Motion passed (*LM abstained not at 09/03/08 meeting)
Old Business
Update on Maguire renovations
(MT) Marty Tilton informed the committee that the Maguire field project was completed as of 5:30pm
this evening. They faced a lot of unexpected problems throughout the project such as enormous boulders,
tree stumps, blocked drainage. While the field was already being repaired they went above what they
thought and did extra things so that they would not have to do them later on and redo the field again.
They reused as much materials as they could to keep expenses down. They will be receiving a bill very
soon but even with all the extra’s and facing multiple problems the bill should still come in on target.
Update on Wheeler Property
(MT) Marty informed the committee that all the clean up for the mold problem at the Wheeler has
been completed. He has received back all the bids, he just needs to review them. If the time frame
for completion is prolonged just a bit, then Marty’s staff can actually do a lot of the work and save
monies on the project. (LC) Lynne agrees that if it is only a 1 month delay, absolutely save the money!
Update on IRP Bathrooms
(MT) The IRP project is halted until we receive the funds. We need to know exactly how much the project
will be, how much we have, how much Hillview/LUC has and how much we have to raise.
(SC) Sergio informed the committee that the bathrooms themselves will be $110k, but with the pavilion
which LUC wants it will be $160k to $180k.
(RM) Rita will bring this information to the LUC meeting and get some facts.
Turf Field Program Update
(RM) Rita informed the committee that she met with Gale Associates and looked at the High School
playing field and Practice field to as them to give us a quote for a turf field on both. She also spoke with
CDM and asked for another quote on the project. The estimated quotes for plans for this turf field project
are expected to come in around $80 to $120k for these companies to advice on the plans take samples of
the sight and so forth. The payments for the specs and plans would be in phases. Rita spoke with LUC
regarding the set up for funds and they suggested having two bank accounts for this project. One would
be for LUC and the second would be money raised separately by the Turf committee.
Committee still wants a memorandum of understanding between P&R and the Schools that Recreation
would have priority jurisdiction over the turf fields. They have decided that the High School would be
the location they would go with definitely. The project would be about $2 million. Rita said she would
like the goal to be obtained by Sept. 09. The video for the project is about 70% completed. Rita would
like to approach the sports league and ask them to help with funding the project.
(RM) Rita felt that because of the Hillview’s support on past projects and to show P&R’s support for
this project, she would ask P&R to put up $16k-$20k for the initial plans for the project. (LM) Lauren
spoke that she is not comfortable about spending any more monies on new project just yet due to the
bad economy. (LC) Lynne agrees that we should take a look at the upcoming budget before spending
anymore money.
Page 3- Turf Field Program Update (cont’d)
(KM) Kathy asked if it will be specified which phases, when and how much and where the money is coming
for each phase.
(OA) Olga asked who is on the Turf Committee.
(RM) Rita will get the names and bring them to the next meeting.
(BL) Billie expressed he would like to be on the Turf Committee and (SC) Sergio would like to be on the
Turf Committee as well.
Update on new steel door for concession stand
(MT) Marty informed the committee that the steel doors were on backorder but should be in soon. They will install them as soon as we receive them.
New Business
State Financial Crisis
This item will be tabled until next meeting.
Fundraiser Dance
(LM)Lauren updated the committee on the status of the fundraiser dance, She asked the members to please
not give tickets to anyone without receiving the money first because they ended up chasing a lot of people
for Wine & Food Tickets because of that. It will be a cash bar and cheese and crackers. We have an idea
for center pieces and we can purchase balloons at CVS.
(OA) Olga asked for the flyer to be emailed to her. (SS) Sheila will do so.
Wine & Food social 2009
(LM & SS) Lauren updated the committee on the 2009 wine & Food social. She liked how things were run
last year and would like to keep Sheila and Maria doing what they did for last year.
(SS) Sheila asked if the funds are still going to be earmarked for the IRP Bathroom Project and are we
keeping that in the letter going out to everyone. The committee wants to keep all the funds earmarked for
the bathroom project. The profit for last year event was $18,121.00! The committee would like to have a
three year comparison put together to review.
(SS) Sheila asked committee members to please keep in mind to pass the words to everyone they
know regarding needing donations for auction items, especially if anyone is willing to donate frequent
flyer airline miles or time share swaps.
A discussion was brought up regarding “compensating” tickets to anyone. The decision will be made on an as
need basis by the committee members. They do not want to give away a lot of free tickets.
The committee thinks we should look into printing the Wine and Food social tickets our selves to save money.
Complaint on Park Hours
(LC) Lynne informed the committee that there has been a complaint that Clark park should be open later
for the kids to play basketball in the evenings. Why are the kids being kicked out by the police if the lights
are on for playing. The committee wants to speak to the Martin’s Pond association to see what their policy
is on the matter. We will check into to see what the actual hours for the park is and how long the lights
are suppose to be on for.
Should be on the next meeting agenda.
FY2010 Operating Budget
(MS)Maureen Steven passed out a copy of the FY2010 budget preview. The Town is asking for no
increase to be asked for FY2010 but may be presenting us with a request to cut 3% from the budget.
Other Business
Current Fundraisers Events
(LC)There is a fundraiser on November 14th for Christine Fisher 50th Birthday. She is requesting no gifts,
but donate the monies for NRYSSA. The event will be at Kitty’s Restaurant and the tickets will be $20 each.
Page 4-Other Business fundraiser (cont’d)
There is a fundraiser being held for Sandy Quinlan, who works in the DPW. She is under going treatment for stomach cancer and she has used up all her time through work. The event is on November 15, 2008.
Office Schedules
(LC) Lynne informed the committee that she and Maureen are attending a conference for Recreation on
October 27th and 28th. Sheila will be in the office full time on those two days.
NRYFL Complaints & procedures
(RM) Rita has received some complaints again regarding complaints to NRYFL not being followed up on.
She reiterated to the committee that we need to instruct the public to put their complaints to NRYFL in
writing and if they do not hear a response in a reasonable time to bring the complaint to P&R to be investigated.
At that time P&R will follow the procedures and policies written in the handbook.
Discussion was had regarding if NRYFL has actually completed their bylaws yet and it was said to be
believed that they had not. P&R members feel a follow up meeting should be set with NRYFL
regarding the items in question at the original meeting on April 14, 2008.
This subject should be put on P&R next meeting agenda.
LUC Golf Tournament
(RM) There was a great showing of participants at the LUC Golf Tournament.
Upcoming meeting dates
11/3/08 11/17/08 12/01/08 12/15/08
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:10pm.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
In Favor: 7 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm